Not the real Dylan Wang. Roleplay only. Mun and muse are of age which means we welcome mature themes.Side muse. Activity will be sporadic, pace may vary. I enjoy writing, but I strongly discourage starting a thread with me if my pace is of inconvenience. That being said, with the minimal time I have, I'm faster with plotting/headcanons. If I don't want to write, don't hold it against me. I'll block you.Plot and pre-established friendly. I highly encourage it. If you have any ideas, throw them my way! I'm desperate for more knitted connections for him.Dylan has a concise profile, so kindly read before interacting or wishing to plot with the mun. Do not follow if you don't have any intentions of interacting. I want to keep a small following. Interactions limited to the TL are still fine with me.DO UNDERSTAND that Dylan is openly flirtatious, and makes inappropriate jokes (think of Joey Tribbiani of Friends and Mark Sloan from Grey's Anatomy). A goof, but rebellious and condescending. Again, do not follow if this bothers you, and if you take it ooc, I'll block you.

Step one, you mold him.

Step two, rip him apart.

Step three, abandon him.

Step four, he rots.


Complete Name. Wáng Hè Dì (王鹤棣) or Dylan Wang
Nicknames. Didi and Saint; the latter commonly used by childhood friends
DOB. 1998/12/20 POB. Hongkong born, Shanghai bred
Current Location. Lives in Beijing, owns a penthouse in Seoul among many things, flies back and forth for leisure
Education. BS Chemistry, Whitman College (2020)
Occupation. Socialite and model
Pets. A Scottish Straight named, Schrödinger; and Oppenheimer, a Munchkin Napoleon
Bits&Bobs. Inappropriate jokes, portrait sketcher, illusion-sports-flag enthusiast, beatmatcher

Personality. He's a natural at what he does; causing mayhem after mayhem, wears a cunning smile, a trickster beneath the surface, a villain in your story. Not everyone knows he's far from intimidating; finding amusement even in the littlest things, and you can't tear your eyes off of him. Instead, you dwell in his piercing gaze. He's beautiful, you think, and photographs prove even more so. You're trapped in his charm. Clad in luxury, but he's beyond repair, as his own flesh and blood likes to call. Would you call it beauty behind brokenness? He is company your parents would dread. Despises affection and never initiates unless it means your clothes on the floor. As the middle child of an elite family, he knows he has a role to play: the rebel. Dylan Wang is not a name solely meant for whispers; his face is plastered in your favorite magazine, his name surfaces tabloids. Be careful of his venom. (click for more)

Here's the thing— when the public's painted a grotesque image of you, sometimes the easiest thing to do is to maintain it, or better yet, leave it be. One small stain and Perfect Hedi is no more. Nobody sees that the Hedi they know is unheard; his own blood's expectations of him were flushed the longer his controversies piled, the mountain of scandals he indulged in, his alleged treachery against his passion for surgery. The pettiest thing, the faintest move, is twisted into something more; to his dismay, he happens to be the villain he has to live with. He's a disappointment, so his own flesh and blood turn their backs on him.

Unheard and underestimated. He's far from the typical pretty boy you see in the papers. Hedi, the elitist, donates his shares to shelters and those who struggle with poverty, always in secret, never in broadcast. Hedi, the ladies man, looks after the people he holds dear to his heart. Hedi, the disappointment, endured hand tremors that concluded his dream to become a surgeon. Hedi, the untalented, aced tests and was the basketball star of every school he was enrolled in. Hedi, the slack, didn't pursue a career in basketball because of a different dream: surgery. Hedi, the good for nothing, can do nothing right in his life.

I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeery lazy but Dylan will eventually pursue Veterinary Medicine (nursing, maybe idk yet). Read the following if you want to understand him better:
Dylan was his school's basketball star whose career was already mapped out in front of him, but this rare opportunity was turned down. A decision that disappointed family, friends, and supporters.Dylan wanted to pursue surgery; his mother's career. His mother specializes in cardio, his father is a businessman. Naturally, his parents warmed up to the change of heart. After completing his bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Dylan unfortunately began suffering from essential tremor. In his eyes, this disorder terminated his dreams. He endures this with prescription and conceals it with glimmering vanity, refusing to let it affect his lifestyle, including his love for sports.Appears to be tsundere but isn't. This is a common misconception of him. If I have to describe him, he's the sophisticated version of Joey Tribbiani of Friends, whom unlike him, possesses a small appetite. He is goofy in his own way and enjoys joking around. More specifically, he's similar to Grey's Anatomy's Mark Sloan.


park wongil (박원길) / aidan park
aidan to clients, won to many
july 17, 1994
oxford, england → mapogu, south korea
living conditions happily residing in a two bedroom loft style unit; he lives across his mother, who happens to be in the penthouse across his building.
accomplished visual communication design in 2018 @ hongik university, seoul campus (more.)
achilles heel mother
catharses underground fighting, smoking, adrenaline activities, hiking and camping (nature)
talents solving a rubik’s cube in 2 minutes, juggling, piano virtuoso, rapping, lyric writing

occupation professional illustrator
almost of any kind; may it be for products, literature, or as a storyboard artist under the pseudonym: aidan. he has contributed to more than one literary genre but most popular among children's books, thriller, mystery, and fantasy. as a freelancer, he prefers working with clients upfront, rather worrying the opinion of a middleman.never sticks to one technique for his illustrations and has learned to adjust it according to his client's preference. his designs are occasionally shared in his public sns, also earning through accepted requests in exchange for whatever content.


only child. born to a family composed of sophisticated lawyers and professors. on the one hand, his father is a highly acclaimed civil rights lawyer in oxford who manages the family-operated law firm; on the other, his mother was a favorite among her students in philosophy, and english language and literature. she was a professor at the harris manchester college of the university of oxford.separation. aidan was a vessel of his father's abuse that resulted in his mother fleeing from her wedding vows. he was 15 when he and his mother decided to begin a new chapter in seoul.saint was a nickname he earned from his friends back in england. as a magnet to mayhem, he masquerades as a saint towards family members, especially his mother.musically inclined. born with a silver spoon in his mouth, aidan believed he could pursue anything. five notebooks filled with self-written lyrics, a natural at any instrument handed to him but is tethered to rapping. he has only performed for his mother and former significant other, ono aiko.thrill seeker. wise in the sheets, rash in the streets. he's a reckless biker and finds himself in unfortunate situations he thoughtlessly indulges himself in; may it be as criminally petty as shoplifting or as simple as cliff diving.heavy smoker. nicotine-scented clothes. you'll rarely see him without his earphones plugged in, a cigarette clipped between his lips or his fingers. smoking a cigarette is one of his catharses.

habits lopsided smiling, smirking, licking his lips, brow arching, and tongue and pen clicking
positive traits meticulous, confident, daring, passionate, punctual, ambitious, creative
negative traits temperamental, obnoxious, condescending, impulsive, promiscuous, and vain

likes riddles, nature, philosophy, true crime documentaries, books, horror, poetry, visual arts, architecture, music, multimedia, fruits, stargazing, fast food, exercising
dislikes dishonesty, intrusion, pineapples, anything mint flavored, dogs, peanut butter, dull documentaries, small talk


notorious assassin under the alias, speed, for his swift procedures. since his rise in both professions, he only accepts one assignment per year and pledges allegiance to no one but himself. for the sake of his family, his civilian identity is undisclosed.a friend he made during his military service recommended him to a notorious businessman for his accomplishments. this jumpstarted his career and granted him and his mom a luxurious life; earning a whopping sum for his assignments.before this, his many endeavors were only meant to improve his family's quality of life - accepting illustration requests, working as a busboy, dishwasher, cashier and security guard.

has a strained relationship with his father, who is currently living in england. the father never made any attempts to make amends since their move. occasionally, aidan speaks ill of him.he suffers from hand tremors and xerophthalmia. while his mother lost her ability to speak due to aphonia.

released in 2020

coming this june

disclaimer: none of these belong to the mun and muse; retro tales' content belongs to puppet combo games and are used for roleplaying purposes only. we're not claiming any of his works; we didn't even bother removing his logo.
if your muse is interested in gaming, feel free to approach as a fan or a new user!interested to know the gist of the game? message the mun or watch streamers who have played puppet combo's games!
released game(s)
1) the power drill massacre - 2020
coming soon
1) nun massacre - in progress

has a cat named schrodingerWongil/saint > Aidan Tuan
Instagram themed carrd
notorious model of ___“And you still want me”Black sheep of fambamNightclub owner - resident/professional djKeep songwriter bit and likes rappingAllows shady dealings in the nightclubBad boyish ig but not rly one3 boys, middle childDecided to go with the flow with his imageAbsorbed hate comments and manifestedBehind tbe scenes, hes a supporter/promoted youth organizations, and charitiesRides along his bad image“You want me to be the villain?”Family of athletesKnows all flagsEmotional warfareWar is hell pretty boyPublicly disowned by fatherDisobeys father??FranchiseeHates affection; never initiates. craves physical intimacy in the form of heated love making sessions


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